One of the most common issues we see with the C-15 is erosion of the O-rings in the fuel system. If this is something that is occurring in your engine you will begin to lose mileage and performance; however, it may be so gradual you might not really notice. Some things you could notice in the early stages are: hard start after engine has been off for longer periods of time; over the weekend or overnight, when it starts; white/gray smoke, stumble or rough running for a short time then straightens up rest of the day. These are all symptoms of advanced erosion in the fuel system or possible lift pump problems. If this continues without being addressed it will lead to costly injector failures and fuel / coolant contamination that could even lead to cylinder failure of the engine. This is why here at SOS we recommend regular fuel psi and leak check on cat C-15s. Call or stop by today and make an appointment to let the professionals at SOS check out your fuel system and give you a free consultation of its performance.